How to Choose the Right Employer of Record Provider for Your Company

Research and compare different EORs: Look for EORs with a proven track record of success in that specific country and positive reviews from other companies.Check for compliance: Make sure the EOR is registered and compliant with all relevant laws and regulations in the countries where you plan to hire employees.Consider the fees: Compare the fees charged by different EORs and choose one that fits within your budget.

Most EORs charge a flat fee per person per month, some prefer a % fee.Look for a good overall fit: Consider the EOR's values and culture to ensure that they align with your company's. Do you prefer a recently opened startup or a well-established company run by industry veterans? Are you comfortable with VC-financed EOR companies or prefer self-funded, financially stable ones?Check for additional services: Some EORs may offer additional services such as immigration support, and background checks, consider if these services are important for your company. Ask for references: Speak with other companies that have used the EOR's services to get a sense of their experience.Legal review: Get the contract draft with the EOR reviewed by your lawyers to make sure that it is legally sound and protects your company's interest.Communication and support: Consider the level of communication and support the EOR provides to ensure that you or your employees can easily contact them with any questions or concerns you may have. Having a self-service platform is efficient, but providing EOR services in a foreign country must be a human-centric business.

If you would like to know more, please contact us here.

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