How to Change Your EOR Provider to Xpandium

There are numerous reasons why you might desire to switch EOR providers. The good news is that migrating to Xpandium is simple and straightforward with Xpandium Concierge. Allow us to demonstrate how.

Employer of Record (EOR) companies assist you in hiring top personnel from around the world in a compliant manner. However, once you've signed on the dotted line, you may discover that your chosen provider isn't quite ideal for your company. There are numerous reasons why you might wish to look for a new one. As an example:

  • You're entering new markets that your present provider can't accommodate.
  • They committed mistakes that cost you time, money, and employee trust.
  • Your current provider's customer service is inadequate.
  • They rely too much or too little on automation.
  • They lack the skilled personal touch that gives you confidence as you expand your firm globally.

Fortunately, Xpandium's EOR solution meets all requirements. We provide high-quality service in a large number of countries and regions throughout the world by relying on direct-contact human experts combined with only the necessary technology-enabled automation. That way, you can rest assured that your overseas hires are in capable hands with direct contact to their local payroll experts. No unnecessary remote customer service intermediaries to pass information back and forth.

So let us demonstrate how simple it is to switch from your existing EOR supplier to Xpandium.

How to switch to Xpandium

There are a few ways to move employees to a different EOR supplier, but we'll explain the simplest method for you and your team members below. Most importantly, your new EOR supplier must reassure your employee(s) that the process will be smooth and secure from start to finish, with as little disruption to them as feasible. So, here's the straightforward step-by-step procedure you can expect from Xpandium.

We'll Begin the Onboarding Process

Our staff will begin the Xpandium onboarding process the same time as you inform your current EOR provider. We will contact each and every employee individually, in person if requested, as soon as you informed them of the change and the necessary GDPR compliant steps were completed. You can then share all necessary employee details, pertinent contractual terms and track the onboarding process. Xpandium will then generate fresh offer letters (if necessary) and employment contracts for your employees. These will be written in accordance with all local rules and regulations, and reviewed by our local employment lawyers in each jurisdiction. As always, the local Xpandium payroll and employment law and benefits experts in each country will be at your direct disposal. Xpandium offers a variety of statutory and supplemental benefits to employees in each country. These benefits will be discussed and finalized in this phase of the process. 

We'll Assist You in Preparing Your Team Members

Following that, we'll schedule individual meetings, virtual or in person in our offices, with the transferring employees to ensure they are aware and comfortable with the process, as well as to answer any questions they have. Our team of professionals will ensure a smooth transition.

Employees Switch to Xpandium

As soon as the employment contracts with Xpandium are signed by the employees, they will be asked to give notice as per their current employment contract and resign from their current employer. Once notice periods are agreed on, we will be able to confirm their start date under Xpandium EOR.

The rest is taken care of by Xpandium

With Xpandium, your team members can now enjoy a smooth and quick onboarding process. We will now take over their employment and manage payroll on your behalf. 

Begin Your Xpandium Collaboration Today

We're happy to provide a streamlined EOR solution with just the right degree of personalization. If you decide to switch to Xpandium, our knowledgeable staff is here to answer any concerns you may have regarding the procedure or our organization in general.

Xpandium is your global recruitment and employment partner, allowing you to expand your international business swiftly, efficiently and affordably. 

To get started, schedule a call.

If you would like to know more, please contact us here.

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